Is a Billboard!


Hi there! We are Alberto and Giulia, the founders of Inspired By God. 
Our mission is to share hope, love, and the Good News of Jesus Christ with a world in need. 

We believe, “your clothes are a billboard.” Through our clothing, you can publicly display your faith and gratitude to God for sending His Son Jesus to save the lost. 

We want to create apparel that opens doors for you to easily share your faith with family, friends, and the world around you.


Walking in the darkness, looking for Light. 
Growing up in Italy, Giulia and I were raised in a Catholic environment, but we never believed in God because of the inconsistencies that we saw in the church and in people's behavior. We did not know God. Our idea of Jesus was the baby from the nativity story. This total absence of God in our lives left us feeling empty, and so we tried to fill that void with worldly things. We walked in darkness, with pain in our hearts, seeking a way out in the world.
We both worked in the show business; I as a musician and Giulia as a contemporary dancer. Being slaves to worldly pleasures, we indulged in partying, alcohol, and soft drugs. I was especially involved in these things. 
Giulia was very much involved in the new age movement with practices like meditation, yoga, chakra, mantra, spells, witchcraft, speaking with death, reincarnation, energy of the universe, and the list goes on. That was our world. When we met in 2013, we began working together, and we entered a romantic relationship—which the Bible calls fornication, a sin against God.


In 2018, we were totally exhausted from that lifestyle that we were living. We sold all we had, and (without Jesus) we left Italy looking for ways to escape our problems. We spent a month in Greece before flying to Southeast Asia where we lived for more than a year. 
But also there we could not find what we were looking for. 
Our life was falling apart, and we did not know what to do. In the summer of 2020, we moved to Portugal, where we heard people talk about Jesus, about His return, and that we needed to choose between good and evil. 
This was a shocking revelation to Giulia, but God would later use a near-death experience to convince me of the truth. 

Since then, God led us to the right people who shared the full Gospel: “RBBR”—Repent, Believe in Jesus, be Baptized in water, and Receive the Holy Spirit. Finally, we were born again, of Water and Spirit, and we were freed from the vanity of sin. As Jesus said, “unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” John 3:5. 
Soon afterwards we got married and God has blessed us with a beautiful son.


Our desire is to bring the full message of Christ into the world through our clothing. 
We pray you would share Christ and the grace that God has shown you wherever you go. Let all that you do be for His glory. Wherever you are or whatever you’re doing, let Christ be magnified in you! 

Our goal is to develop a brand that helps others come to know and experience the freedom that is only found in Christ; that they may be inspired by the living God to fully experience this, by becoming a new creation in Christ. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 

Lastly, we emphasize the importance of living a changed life once you have become a new creation. That is why you will find in all our garments the slogan, “I LIVE IT, I WEAR IT”. That means we first live out the Gospel in obedience to the Word of God, and then we wear it to show what we believe. 

We're on a beautiful family journey with God. He's guiding us and correcting us as a loving Father does. While there are challenging times, we still have faith in Him, as is written in Hebrews 11, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” 

So, we keep walking by Faith. And that is also our prayer for you.

A simple "HEY, 


 could turn into a life-changing experience for that person.

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